Term life insurance provides coverage when insurance is needed for a specific period of time. After all, you will someday make a final mortgage payment. You will someday see your children through college. And, though it may not seem like it now, your retirement will someday stand on its own. But you need an economical way to get there that won’t jeopardize your ability to secure your dreams in the meantime.
Gleaner Life Value Term is a traditional term life insurance plan that provides term life insurance coverage, guaranteeing security and stability. Gleaner Life Value Term is the perfect solution for those looking for an economical way to provide for their loved ones, those wanting to supplement permanent life insurance coverage, or those seeking added coverage for financial obligations like a mortgage or other loans. In addition, by electing the Waiver of Premium rider1, Gleaner will waive the obligation to pay premiums if the primary insured becomes disabled. With competitive premium amounts, value term keeps life insurance coverage simple and affordable.
The following features are available on Gleaner Life Term Solutions at no additional cost:
- In the event of a terminal illness, the Accelerated Death Benefit allows the primary insured to receive up to 50% of the certificate's death benefit in advance, subject to maximum of $500,000.
- The Conversion Privilege allows you to convert your certificate to a Gleaner permanent cash value insurance certificate before age 71 without proof of insurability. If you convert at certain points in the life of the certificate, Gleaner may credit a portion of recent term premiums toward the premium payment of your new permanent life insurance certificate.
Premium guarantees
All Gleaner Life Term Solutions feature a 10-year premium guarantee and an optional full guarantee.
- Ten-year limited guarantee: By guaranteeing your premium rate for the first 10 years, we can offer more affordable coverage than with a full guarantee.
- Full guarantee: With the full guarantee, you will never have to pay a penny over the premium rate established when you purchase your term life insurance certificate.
Product Features:
Minimum death benefit: $50,000 - standard risk classes
$100,000 - preferred risk classes -
Maximum death benefit: Subject to Home Office approval
Accelerated Death Benefit: In the event of a terminal illness, this feature allows the primary insured to receive up to 50% of the certificate’s death benefit in advance (subject to a maximum of $500,000). Included at no additional charge.